Fire at Roding Primary School, Dagenham
Fire at Roding Primary School, Dagenham
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![Fire at Roding Primary School](
Roding Primary School has a pupil roll of 1,297
Dozens of firefighters are tackling a fire at a large primary school in east London.
Twelve fire engines and about 80 firefighters were called to Roding Primary School, Dagenham, shortly before 05:00 BST.
The Metropolitan Police said road closures had been put in place, and that there were no reported injuries.
According to Roding Primary School, it is "one of the biggest primary schools in the country".
About half of the school building is alight, and the cause of the fire is not yet known.
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The Metropolitan Police said there were no reported injuries
London Fire Brigade (LFB) said crews from Dagenham, Barking, Ilford and surrounding stations were making "steady" progress in tackling the fire after being called at 04:50 BST.
Pupils at Roding Primary were due to go back to the school on 5 September following the summer holidays.
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