Talent spreading but support for athletes remains weak
Talent spreading but support for athletes remains weak You can read hearTalent spreading but support for athletes remains weak , you also find over other news like, latest news, news today, news headlines,breaking news, New, current news,world news, top news, latest news today, headline news, online news, today's newsheadlines, daily news, local news, breakingnews today, new news, to day news, recent news, latest news headlines, top news today, top news stories, news stories, nationalnews, international news, news update, current news today, today's national news, news, updates, headlines India won a record 69 medals at the just-concluded Asian Games in Indonesia. That a sizeable number of these medals was won in athletics — not traditionally India’s strong suit — signifies that Indian athletes are somewhat closing the gap with their international peers. And a factor that seems to be propelling this trend is many more states in the country producing medal winners . A comparis...